Deirdre Mulhern Photography

Main Line & Philadelphia Area Photographer

Tips for Real Smiles Without the “Cheese” from a Bryn Mawr Photographer

Let’s be honest—getting our little ones and especially toddlers to smile for the camera can be a bit of a challenge. We’ve all been there, right? “Say cheese!” just doesn’t cut it sometimes. Instead, you end up with that funny, forced grin that’s cute but not quite what you were going for. Or maybe even no smile at all! As a Bryn Mawr photographer, I’ve learned a few tricks over the years that work wonders for getting those real, genuine smiles, and I’m excited to share them with you!

1. Make It a Game

Kids love to play, so why not make taking photos fun? The giggles that come from play are 100% the real deal, and you’ll get some great shots along the way. One game I love to play with toddlers during family sessions is what I call “The Animal Sounds Game.” I have mom and dad sit on a blanket. Then, I have their little one come over to me. I whisper the name on animal in the kiddo’s ear. Then, he runs up behind his parents and surprises them with the animal sounds. Not only does this get amazing smiles from the toddler but mom and dad too! You can’t help but laugh at a three year old meowing like a cat when you least expect it.

2. Let Them Be Themselves

Sometimes, the best way to get a smile is to stop trying to get the smile in the first place. Let the kids do their thing—whether that’s jumping, twirling or just being dancing with their siblings and parents. When they feel free and comfortable, those natural smiles will appear all on their own. This is something I always encourage as a Bryn Mawr photographer—letting kids just be kids! I will let the kids take the lead and melt into the background. When I follow my families around as they play or explore, I often get the best smiles from the kids!

3. Bring Out the Silly

There’s no shame in being a little goofy too! That means you parents. Children’s eyes absolutely light up when they see their parents let loose have fun. When I do portraits of kids sometimes I will have parents break out a funny face or do that crazy dance they only do once a year. The kids adore this and it will almost always give us the natural smile you are looking to capture. Plus you get a new memory of the moment too. When kids see you having fun, they’ll relax and join in, and that’s when we get some of our absolute best photos!

Boy smiles as mom smiles at him. Haverford Arboretum

4. Use Their Favorite Things

Does your little one have a favorite toy or stuffed animal? Bring it with you to our session Familiar objects can help them feel comfortable and happy. Plus, it can lead to some sweet candid moments. Sometimes parents will worry that photo with a crime fighting dog figurine or certain mermaid doll might not be the aesthetic that they were hoping for. But here’s the thing: if that toy was special enough to be chosen to come along, then it’s likely that someday you’ll look back at that photo and reminisce about how much they loved it. It will be a treasured artifact of their childhood, capturing a moment that’s long gone. It’s a strategy that has worked wonders in many of my sessions as a Bryn Mawr photographer.

5. Talk About Something They Love

Get them talking about their favorite show, their favorite activity, or something they love. Kids love to share their passion and knowledge. I send my clients a quick questionnaire before their sessions so I can find out what your kid is into. This also gives me time to brush up on my dinosaur knowledge if needed. When kids share what they care about, we are almost guaranteed to get that real smile in the photo.

Little girl looks to camera as she plays in  puddle.

6. Capture the Moments In Between

Some of the best smiles happen in those in-between moments—when they think you’re not looking or they are chatting with a sibling. Keep the camera ready while they’re exploring a puddle, or joking with a sibling, or just being themselves and picking up pebbles and sticks. These candid shots often end up being the favorites! As our session comes to a close I will often walk behind families as they walk back to the parking lot. Some of my favorite photos have come from these parking lot walks. It’s one of the reasons I love working as a Bryn Mawr photographer—the area is full of beautiful spots even on the way to a parking lot!

7. Give Them Something to Look Forward To

Let them know there’s a fun reward waiting at the end of the session—like a special treat or a trip to playground. One of my favorite locations for family shoots has a playground. It’s a great bonus to parents when after we finish they can walk right over and play for a bit before heading home. This helps the kids stay engaged and happy.

8. Patience is Key

Finally, and this one’s big: be patient. You will never get a great photo by forcing a kid to smile. That’s why I try to make my sessions stress free and flexible. If your little one is not feeling it, we take a break. This is when I pivot to facilitating interactions between you and your kids. As any parent knows kids’ moods can change in an instant, so sometimes it’s just about waiting for the right moment. After working with kids for almost two decades, I have seen it all. Patience is almost always all you need.

Remember, the goal is to capture who your children really are in this moment—their genuine, sweet selves. Forced smiles have nothing on the real deal. With some patience and playfulness, you can get those smiles that melt your heart every time you look at the photo for years to come.

If you’re in the area and looking for a Bryn Mawr photographer who loves capturing those authentic moments, I’d love to chat with you. Happy snapping, and here’s to all those beautiful, authentic smiles!

Toddler runs to parents seated on a blanket during family phot session, Bryn Mawr, PA

August 1, 2024

Deirdre Mulhern